Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Right now Evan is next to me whining. He and Noah have been really whiny lately. Right now he’s whining about wanting his underwear back. There were all these dirty clothes on the floor and I was cleaning up and put them in the hamper. He was upset that I took away the underwear he was wearing today even though he was getting a clean pair tonight with his pajamas.

Anyway, today I took the boys to the gym. I was so ready to drop them off and get some time away. This morning was very difficult too.

I did a yoga class at the gym and then swam a few laps.

The whining started again as soon as I picked up the boys from the childcare. Noah was whining because he wanted to keep the borrowed socks on. They give the kids socks to borrow to play on the climbing equipment if they wore sandals that day. I brought the stroller in with me to the gym because the last time I had such a hard time carrying Noah and all my stuff back to the car. I’m glad I had the stroller with me. It made things easier.

When we got home we had lunch and then I put Noah down for a nap. He didn’t nap for some reason.

Blanca came at 4:15 and I tutored 2 students.

Morry took the boys to Evan’s sports class.

I got home a little before them and started the pasta. For dinner I also made some carrot/apple juice. Evan and I liked it. Noah took one sip and didn’t want anymore.

After dinner we started to clean up, but the sink was clogged. We couldn’t get it to drain, so Morry just ran out to HEB to pick up some liquid plumber. I put Noah to bed, but Evan is still next to me. He’s not crying anymore . Maybe I’ll be able to get his underwear and pajamas on him. He’s been naked this whole time and wouldn’t let me get him dressed.

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