Saturday, May 22, 2010

Smoothie Disaster

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Evan seemed to sleep in a bit. I'm not sure what time he came in our room. Rachel got up with the boys closer to 9 and they let me sleep in. At one point, Noah came in the room to say hi to me.

When I got up, the boys were eating breakfast. They had a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit. I got myself some Lucky Charms and the both boys insisted on having some. I gave them each a tiny bit. Noah came back to me and asked for more marshmallows. Of course I said no.

We decided to walk around the shopping center near us. We parked by the Smoothie King and ended up there. We brought Lizzy with us. Rachel and I each got a smoothie and we had them split a smoothie for Evan and Noah. As I was backing the car out, and was half way out of the spot, Evan said his smoothie was spilling a bit. I looked at it and it wasn't just spilling on the top. He had stuck his thumb through the bottom of the Styrofoam cup and smoothie was pouring out all over the place. Rachel jumped out of the car and ran into the store while I parked the car again. When we got home we had to clean out the car and wash Evan's car seat.

We had some lunch. Evan ate fairly well but Noah didn't eat anything. As Rachel and I finished our lunch, Evan and Noah played together upstairs. They play together well.

We put Noah down for a nap, and Evan, Rachel and I were downstairs.

For dinner, we went to the Spaghetti Warehouse. We sat in the trolley as usual. Evan was a bit of a pain at the beginning but I think he was hungry. Once he started eating he was in a good mood. He had all of his spaghetti and his applesauce as well as some bread. Noah ate well too. Both boys enjoyed walking downtown to and from the restaurant.

When we got home, we gave the baths and they are in bed now. I can hear Evan moving around upstairs.

Until next time...

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