Friday, May 28, 2010

Star Peppers

This morning we went to playgroup. I enjoyed having some adult time. Evan and Noah had fun playing with new toys. Noah ate a ton of the goldfish crackers they had put out.

When we got home Evan and Noah played outside while I got lunch ready. They insisted on eating at the picnic table under their playscape. Noah didn’t eat very much, but Evan ate well. I also make smoothies for all of us.

At naptime Noah wasn’t sleeping for some reason. I was getting some stuff done downstairs and all of the sudden I heard Evan and Noah playing in the gameroom. I had to put Noah back to bed. He fought it a little, but eventually ended up napping.

When Morry got home we ordered dinner from Hula Hut through Eat Out In. While we were waiting for the food to be delivered we took the boys out front. Evan rode his bike twice around the block and rode his scooter a little too. Noah rode his tricycle just a little bit. He doesn’t like to put his feet on the pedals and it makes it very hard to push him.

Dinner was good. We made sports mac and cheese for the boys and I cut up a bell pepper for them. I thought I’d try using a cookie cutter on the bell pepper and worked. So the boys had star peppers.

We gave the boys baths and just put them to bed.

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