Monday, May 24, 2010

Evan and Mommy

This morning we went to the gym. We got a late start so I only had enough time to run/walk on the treadmill for about 30 minutes. Gabby was coming over to the house at 11:30 and I wanted to make sure we were back in time.

We got home a few minutes before Gabby. Evan and Noah played with Gabby for a few minutes while I got Noah’s lunch ready. Then, Evan and left and Gabby took care of Noah. I thought it would be good for Evan and I to spend some time together.

First I had a few things to get at CVS. Then, we went to the park. I brought Evan’s bike in the car. I wanted him to practice riding his bike and feel more comfortable on it. The park we went to has a nice paved path that’s maybe a mile long. At first Evan needed help with the littlest hills. I had to push his back to get him going. By the end he hardly needed any help. He rode his bike around the whole path. We had to stop at each of those exercise areas so he could do flips on the bars.

Here’s a video…

When we got home I made smoothies for us and then put Noah down for a nap.

For dinner we had Fix and Freeze bbq chicken and couscous.

We gave the boys baths and got them ready for bed. They are supposed to be sleeping now, but they are both still awake. Evan just went in Noah’s room to him his water.

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