Thursday, April 16, 2009

School, Doctor, Clean

I ran/walked Evan to school this morning. It has been cloudy all day and I was a little worried it would rain on us, but we were ok. It still hasn’t rained yet.

Noah and I went to my ENT doctor for a check up. He said I’m all healed. One side is still not 100% so we talked about a few options. Because of the way the scar healed, the opening is a little smaller on one side. I need to figure out if I’m ok how it is, or if I want to go through a minor surgery to get it better. We’ll see.

Noah was really cranky on the way home and during lunch. He didn’t eat much lunch and fell asleep in his high chair. While he was taking a short nap I quickly cleaned the house.

We picked up Evan, came home, and I put the boys down for naps. Then, I cleaned some more. We had a ton of laundry. I feel like I was folding clothes all afternoon.

Blanca came at 4:00 and I went to tutor. When I got to the student’s house, she wasn’t feeling well, so we cancelled the tutoring and I came home.

We had crock pot brisket, salad, and biscuits for dinner.

Evan and Noah were really cranky tonight too. We put them to bed somewhat early. Both are sleeping now.

Oh, I got an email from a TV reporter in Oklahoma. He’s doing a story about free stuff and wanted to talk to me about my Cha Ching Queen blog. I wrote him back. We’ll see what happens.

1 comment:

erika and jonah said...

hi yall,

how's it going? Good on this end. So, I like to check in and read what's going on every so often, and I just wanted to say hi. Congrats on getting Evan into big boy underwear; kids grow so fast! Also, way to go on the running. I highly recommend P90X (google it on I swear by it and do it religiously like nobody's business. Jonah's getting back into the whole working out bit, too. I hope you all have a good night. bye. -erika and jonah