Monday, April 20, 2009

Doctor again

I called the doctor this morning to make an appointment for Evan and Noah. Evan still has a runny nose and cough and Noah needed another check after his antibiotics finished. The only time they had available was 2:00, right at nap time. I called at various times during the day, but nothing had opened up.

Noah was very cranky this morning. I wasn’t sure how he was going to make it to 2:00 without a nap.

I took the boys and Lizzy for a walk, but that’s all we did this morning.

At lunch, Noah hardly ate anything and fell asleep in his high chair.

We got to the doctor a little early. I was hoping that if we showed up early, they could maybe fit us in. They ended up seeing us about 10 minutes early.

Noah had a 101.2 fever. I had no idea. The doctor isn’t sure what he has, but his ears looked fine. It could just be a virus, so we just have to watch his temperature for the next few days and give him Tylenol. If it gets worse or still hasn’t improved in 3 days we need to go back.

The doctor thinks Evan has a sinus infection since he’s had the coughing and runny nose for so long. Evan’s ears looked fine. Now, we have Evan on antibiotics for 10 days.

When we got home I put the boys down for naps.

Blanca came at 3:45. I tutored and got home at 6:00. For dinner, we had bbq brisket (already cooked, just needed to be heated) and a pasta side.

Evan and Noah were cranky tonight, so we put them to bed early around 8:00.

Noah is sleeping, but Evan is still up. He’s actually crying/whining right n

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