Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Saturday At Home

Hello everyone, this is Morry writing my weekly blog entry.

This morning, Evan got up at 9am and Noah got up close to 10am. I brought both boys downstairs and played got them breakfast and played with them. Evan was good until Noah got downstairs. Noah was really really cranky when he came downstairs. We didn't think the doctor was right earlier in the week about Noah having a sinus infection, but he yesterday and this morning he seemed to be congested and coughing. I think that had a lot to do with Noah's crankiness.

Rachel finally came downstairs around 11:30. At that time, Evan wanted to go upstairs with me. I helped him play with the SmartCycle for a while (it's a video game learning system that Zayde got him for his birthday) and then he played with GeoTrax.

Then Rachel and I decided we should pick up the antibiotics for Noah from HEB. Rachel stayed at home with Noah and Evan and I went to HEB. He insisted on wearing his Steelers helmet. He wore it in the car and into HEB. He finally took it off as we walked to get samples of cheese and bread.

We had some lunch and then put the boys down for naps.

While the boys were napping I watched the NFL draft. It's an annual tradiition for me to watch the entire first round of the draft. The Steelers drafted Evander "Ziggy" Hood, a defensive tackle from Missouri. They showed a highlight of him sacking Colt McCoy, the quarterback for the Longhorns, and Evan (who was up by this time) said, look that's the Longhorns.

For dinner, we went to Chipoltle and ate outside. Noah wasn't as cranky as he has been, but he's definitely not his normal self. Evan was very well behaved the entire time and even helped throw out all the trash on the table.

The boys are now in bed. Both of them are quiet.

Until next time...

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