Thursday, April 23, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

I dropped Evan off at school. It was our turn to bring snacks to class. I cut up apples and brought a drinkable yogurt for each kid. Evan insisted on carrying the bag into to school. It was pretty heavy.

Noah and I went to Target. I wanted to get some containers to organize all the toys we have at home. I feel like we have toys all over the place and the gameroom was a disaster. I bought 5 of those big plastic containers with lids and 6 stackable cube shelves to put in the gameroom.

Today we had our parent-teacher conference with Evan’s teacher. At 12:20 Morry, Noah, and I sat down with Wendy. She had really nice things to say about Evan. She talked about how much she loves his sense of humor. It sounds like he is right on track and doing all the things he should be doing for his age.

Our meeting ended at 12:40. Pickup is 1:15-1:30, but I decided to go ahead and get Evan early since I was there and it didn’t make sense to go home and come back again. Evan was very excited to see Morry. Natasha told us that at one point Evan looked out the window and saw Morry’s car and said, “That looks like my daddy’s car.” It’s pretty impressive that he recognized Morry’s car. We don’t go in his car that often.

At home I tried to clean up while the boys played. Blanca came over around 1:30 and only stayed until 2:00. The boys really needed naps. I cleaned while she played with the boys outside.

Noah feel asleep right away, but Evan did not nap. I was hoping to nap too. I was starting to not feel well. I think I’m getting a cold or something. Since Evan wasn’t napping and he playing pretty loudly in his room, I knew I couldn’t nap. I let him play in the gameroom while I cleaned. I went through almost every toy and filled up 4 of those plastic containers. I also put together the cube shelves. I put books on the shelves. My plan is to just rotate the plastic containers of toys. I’ll have one out at a time and keep the extra in a closet or the garage. We’ll see how that works. It was getting too hard to clean every night when the boys went to bed. They would just dump and pull the toys off those little shelves we had.

I was absolutely exhausted by the time Morry came home and I still wasn’t feeling well.

For dinner we had brisket and couscous.

After we put the boys to bed, I had planned on going to Alissa’s to help her get ready for a garage sale. I just wasn’t feeling up to it. I’m really exhausted right now and need to get to bed soon.

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