Monday, April 6, 2009

The Day After

Today the boys slept late. Well, Noah actually woke up around 7:20am, but I was able to get him back to sleep.

I invited Yenis and Kevin over for lunch. We have a lot of leftovers from the party. Lunch was easy. I just heated food up from Evan’s birthday party. We had pizza, breadsticks, and salad. Evan, Noah, and Kevin enjoyed playing together.

After they left I put the boys down for naps. They both slept for about 2 hours.

For dinner we had grilled chicken and salad.

After dinner we took a walk. We asked Evan if he wanted to walk, ride his old bike, or ride his new bike. He chose to ride the new bike. In the store and at home he has had a hard time figuring out how to petal. Morry walked along side the bike and showed Evan how to petal and brake by pedaling backwards. Evan was doing really well. He still needs to practice, but he was pedaling on his own. About the last ¼ of the walk Evan got of his bike and decided he wanted to walk. Morry pushed the bike while Evan ran ahead. Evan would stop multiple times in front of us, put his hand out, and say, “stop.” He’s make us stop until he said go again.

Both boys are kind of cranky. I think they need to go to bed soon. We’ll head upstairs in a minute and put them to bed.

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