Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bank Issue

This morning Evan didn’t want to leave the house to go to school. I think he just didn’t want to give up playing GeoTrax. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go to school. While I got Noah dressed Evan played GeoTrax, but then he didn’t want to come downstairs when it was time to leave.

I set the house alarm, got Noah strapped in the car, then Evan told me he needed a diaper change. I just changed him in the back of the car in the garage because I didn’t want to have to get Noah out of the car and everything.

When we finally got to school it was about 9:30. School starts at 9. We hardly ever get there right at 9:00.

While Evan was at school Noah and I just stayed at home. Usually I clean on Thursdays, but we are having a cleaning lady come tomorrow, so I didn’t have to do as much. I still straightened up and did laundry.

When we picked Evan up, they were just coming in the classroom from being outside. They made butterflies (out of coffee filters, I think). They had been outside letting them fly in the wind.

I let the boys play a little when we got home and then I put them down for naps. Evan did not nap, but Noah did.

So, I’m really annoyed at our bank. The ATM ate a check a few weeks ago and I filed a claim. They credited my account and I thought that was it. Well, today I got a letter in the mail saying they never found the check and the credit would be reversed and they were closing the dispute. The bank said it was up to me to contact the person who signed the check to place a stop payment and issue me a new check. What a pain! I had to email the parents of one of my students. I hope they are ok with that. I called the bank, but there’s nothing they can do, they said it’s all up to me and the person who wrote the check now.

For dinner we had corned beef that I made in the crock pot.

We just gave the boys baths and put them to bed. Morry read Where The Wild Things Are again to Evan. He's really into that book now. We have read it for the last few nights now.

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