Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poor Little Fella'

The boys slept until almost 9:00am this morning. We were late to school because I wanted to let them sleep.

Noah felt really warm, so I took his temperature. It was at 102.7. The doctor said to call if it got above 102.5.

So, after I dropped Evan off at school I called the doctor and spoke with a nurse. A little later, they called and said the doctor called in a prescription for another antibiotic at HEB. She said the doctor believes Noah has a sinus infection. I was sort of surprised because yesterday he said nothing at all about suspecting it could be a sinus infection. Noah has a little bit of a runny nose, but nothing that made us think he had a sinus infection.

Anyway, Morry picked up Noah’s medicine on his way home this afternoon. When Morry got home, we realized it was the exact same antibiotic Noah just finished on Saturday.

Morry took Mottel to the vet. They were going to do a urine test, but Mottel didn’t have any urine, so he has to take him back for the full day tomorrow.

I called the doctor to make sure Noah got the right medicine. Later they called back and changed the prescription. They must have given us the wrong antibiotic. Maybe they didn’t look at his chart? We had a different doctor than normal, but still he should have looked to see what Noah had just been on.

Blanca came at 4:00 while Morry was at the vet. I tutored 2 students.

I got home around 7:15. Normally, I would have gotten home at 7:00, but there was a big accident or something at Slaughter and Mopac. They were making everyone turn on Slaughter, so I couldn’t go straight South on Mopac. Slaughter was a mess.

For dinner we had Coke ham.

After dinner I called the nurse’s line. I spoke to a nurse because I was concerned about giving Noah more antibiotics. I don’t want to give him medicine if he doesn’t really need it. She said it was ok to hold off on the medicine tonight. She suggested I call tomorrow and talk to Dr. Mouser (our regular doctor).

Evan and Noah didn’t nap well today. Noah slept a little, but Evan didn’t sleep at all. They were pretty cranky tonight so we put them to bed around 8:00. Evan is still awake. He was crying and trying to stall going to bed. He kept saying he wanted different things. Hopefully, Evan falls asleep soon.

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