Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hello everyone, this is Morry. Saturday is normally my day to write the blog.

The boys let us sleep in a bit this morning. Evan woke up around 9am. Rachel and I both got up and got him dressed.

This morning was the Circle C-wide garage sale where they encourage everyone in the neighborhood who wants to have a sale, to have it today. Unfortunately, it rained all day yesterday and was raining up until about 8:30am. Rachel thought she'd drive around with Evan anyway.

We let Noah sleep and he ended up sleeping until after 10am. Last night, he was up fairly late. I finally had to rock him to sleep around 10:15pm. So I wasn't surprised he slept later than normal.

Rachel and Evan got back very quickly from the garage sale. I guess everyone literally had the stuff in their garage so it was hard to pick through and Evan decided he wanted to come home. Not before he asked Rachel to buy him a donut from some girls that were selling donuts for 50 cents.

We all had some breakfast and drove down to the outlets in San Marcos. We had been there a month or so ago and gotten some stuff from the Gap and decided we didn't want it. We had to go down and return it. While we were there, we stopped in Carters, Children's Place and Adidas. Carters didn't have anything for the boys. They needed jeans. We were able to find jeans for them at Children's Place. We also found dress shirts and sweaters for $1.99 each. I got some stuff at Adidas.

We had lunch at Wendy's where Evan was very good and had his nuggets and then he got a Frosty afterwards.

When we got home, we received some bad news. Everyone assumed that Mottel's weight loss was due to hyperthyroidism. Even the Vet said she would be shocked if it was anything else. He had lost 3 pounds in a year which was 30% of his body weight. He went from 10 pounds to 7. Anyway, the Vet had left a message that the blood test came back and it was not hyperthyroidism. Now, we are not sure what it is. Some blood levels suggest maybe liver problems, some suggest maybe kidney problems, and some suggest perhaps small intestine problems. I have to bring Mottel back in this week for more tests. We just can't believe that Mottel is sick. He's not acting sick in the least. In fact, he's probably more active and more friendly than he's been in awhile. For those of you who don't know, Mottel has been with me for 11 years. He moved down with me from Pittsburgh. Hopefully we can get this figured out and it's nothing too serious.

The boys took naps after we got home. I did some work (I'm very very busy at work now) and Rachel made some calls for Cha Cha.

For dinner we went to Texadelphia and ate outside. It's been a long time since we went there, and we thought it was something different. Plus Rachel found a buy one get one free coupon.

When we got home, we gave the boys baths and now they are in bed. Noah has been crying. He is really into doing what he wants when he wants and he obviously did not want to go to bed.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Maybe Noah is having teeth pain. I know when Lincoln is fussy like that it's usually teeth. Maybe giving him Tylenol or Motrin would help. That thought just crossed my mind so I thought I would share. I hope Mottel is ok. Keep us updated on his test results.