Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Noah hates the gym

Evan and Noah woke up at 8:00am. I got them dressed and fed and we left for school.

As we were parking Evan told me he didn’t want to go to school. Now, that we don’t have the infant car seat it makes it harder to get both boys out of the car. I had already gotten Noah out and was holding him. Evan did not want to climb out of his car seat and the car. I had to put Noah down on the seat of the car and pull Evan out of the car. I was already holding Evan’s lunch, jacket, and water bottle. Evan wanted to me carry him too. Some how I managed to carry all that stuff and both boys to the outside door, but I had to put Evan down to enter to code to the door. Evan was still crying when we entered the classroom. Once we got all the way in the classroom he seemed fine and started playing.

After dropping Evan off at school I took Noah to the gym with me. I wanted to try another class. I was able to do 15 minutes of an ab class and 1 minute on the treadmill before the child care woman came and got me. Again, they couldn’t get Noah to stop crying. I guess we won’t be able to join they gym now. It’s not worth it to go for maybe a 15 minute workout.

Noah took a good nap when we came home. I was able to relax some.

After lunch, I put Noah in the stroller and I ran/walked to pick Evan up. Since I didn’t really get to exercise this morning I figured I’d at least run/walk to get Evan.

Blanca came at 3:00 so I could tutor. I came home at 8:00. When I got home Evan was still eating dinner. He eats very slowly.

Evan and Noah are in their rooms, but not asleep yet. I hear Evan, though the monitor saying, “I want Daddy. I want Mommy.”

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