Thursday, January 8, 2009

More TV Trouble

We had another busy day.

On the way to school today Evan told me he didn’t want to go. I was worried I’d have to fight him going into school again today. As we were parking, Yenis and Kevin pulled up next to us. We all walked in together. That made things a lot easier. Evan didn’t complain at all.

After dropping Evan off Noah and I went to my doctor and had to get some blood drawn.

I stopped at CVS on the way home to pick up a few things.

At home I had just enough time to put away some toys, deal with laundry, give Noah lunch, and wolf down my lunch. Then, it was time to get Evan.

Wendy said Evan spilled his yogurt at lunch today. It was an accident, but he got yogurt all over his clothes. He kept telling me it was dry now. It didn’t look too bad.

At home, I vacuumed and mopped downstairs and then put Evan and Noah down for a nap.

I was able to nap just a little bit until I heard Evan playing with his Nemo book that has buttons on the side that makes sounds.

Blanca came at 4:00 and I tutored from 4:30-5:30.

I got home at 6:00. Morry made tacos for us for dinner.

After dinner we went to the gym. We had been working out for maybe 5 minutes before they paged us to come the child care. Noah had been crying the whole time and they couldn’t get him to stop. We spent the rest of the time at the gym in the kids’ area helping Noah get used to the place. We’d play with him or hold him and as soon as we walked away he would start crying again.

The TV situation is still driving us nuts. We are supposed to get a new receiver tomorrow. Because the receiver is messed up, every 12 hours it resets and stops working. You switch out cables and then it finally works again. The shows we wanted to watch tonight ended up not recording for some reason. In addition, the TV will freeze at times or not put out any sound. I’m hoping once we get this new receiver things will be better. If not, we are thinking about switching to that AT&T U-verse.

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