Saturday, January 3, 2009

Evan the Good

Hello everyone, this is Morry. Rachel is cleaning up the kitchen a bit, so she asked me to write the blog.

Well, Evan continued his better behavior today. He got up at around 8am (unfortunately, he didn't sleep too much). Once Noah got up and Evan had breakfast, Grandmom/Marilyn, Noah, Evan and I went out shopping. We let Rachel have some alone time, something she doesn't often get.

First we went to Toys R Us where, Evan got even more GeoTrax stuff. He got a bag of tracks and a bridge. He's definitely getting a bit spoiled with the GeoTrax stuff. Then the four of went to Nordstroms to look for shoes for me. Evan was terrific at Nordstrom's. First he walked around with the thing that measures your feet. He measured his feet, my feed, Noah's feet and Grandmom's feet. Then he walked around with me picking out shoes for me. Then he found some folded up paper that came along with one of the shoes and told us that it was a train ticket. It actually had holes punched in it so he liked that.

I promised Evan that after I got shoes, we could go over to the kids shoes where they have a fish tank. When we got over there they had these Thomas the Tank Engine boots/galoshes. Evan immediately took off his shoes and wanted to put them on. I helped him put them on. Then he saw a rain coat that looked like a firefighter coat. He put that on. He looked really cute. We ended up getting him some shoes while we were there but not those boots.

Meanwhile, Noah was having a great time playing with the sock he pulled off his foot and looking around at all the people.

When we came home, Evan didn't want lunch, he just wanted to play with his GeoTrax.

We had ordered HD from DirecTV and someone was supposed to come and put up the new dish and drop a line to our TV. The guy came with his 12-year-old son at about 1pm. His son played GeoTrax with Evan. The guy didn't have a ladder tall enough to get to our roof. We ended up borrowing our neighbor's ladder. It took the guy until about 7:30pm to set up the dish and receiver. He didn't end up dropping the line because he had someone to go to after us. He's coming back tomorrow to do that. The son was really good with both Evan and Noah.

Noah has really started saying Mama and Dada. He's not really using it to refer to Rachel and me but he just babbles Mamamamamama and Dadadadada. He's really "talking" a lot now. It's so cute. He's been so happy for the last week.

Both boys are in bed now. It seems that they are quiet. Hopefully they have a good night sleep.

Until next time...

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