Saturday, January 31, 2009


This morning Morry let me sleep since I wasn’t feeling well. I think the boys got up around 8:00. By 11:00 Noah was tired again so we put him down for a short nap. When Noah woke up we drove downtown.

We drove around the 2nd Street district and then ate lunch on South Congress at Home Slice Pizza. Usually you have to wait awhile, but we were able to get seated right away. It was crowded in there, but I guess it just happened that a booth opened up when we got there.

After pizza we went home since Evan and Noah needed naps.

After naps we took Evan out front for just a little bit. He said he wanted to ride his bike, but when we first got outside he wanted to play with the chalk. Yesterday I drew a train track for him on the driveway and wanted to play with the train track again. I added more to the track and then he asked Morry to add “ding dong things.” We realized he meant the railroad crossing arms. Evan pushed his trains along the track some and then he rode his bike to end of the cul-de-sac and back.

For dinner, we went to Suzy’s. Evan had some edamame and then wanted us to teach him how to use chopsticks. I would show him how and pick up some rice. He wanted me to then put the rice in his mouth from the chopstick. He was able to pick up a few pieces of rice on his own, but then he just wanted to play with the chopsticks.

We just gave Evan and Noah baths and now they are in bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uhmmm....Home...Slice....Pizza....Uhmmmm....I want some!