Monday, January 5, 2009

More DirecTv and Chick-Fil-A

So, we had to deal with DirecTV again this morning.

Last night we noticed that the guy had broken our new entertainment center. It’s not too bad. He just broke a screw in the back that connects the hutch to the table part. So, the hutch came unattached and was loose on the table. We also got some little nicks and scratches from moving the components in and out so much. It's really frustrating since we just bought this and paid a lot for it.

DirecTV sent 2 guys to our house this morning at 9am. They got the tv to work using one cable and I asked him to fix our entertainment center. The guy screwed the hutch back on, but not before centering it. He screwed it on crooked and hanging slightly off the table. A few minutes after they left the tv stopped working again and I notice the hutch off-centered. I ran outside to try and catch them, but they had already left. I spent an hour on the phone with DirecTV after that. I’m not exaggerating. Evan and Noah were very good for most of the time I was on the phone. I was furious with DirecTV. I spoke to two different managers. We are very close to just canceling our service. I told them that and asked for a good reason we should stay. The only thing the supervisor said was that we have been customers for a while and that they are the only ones with NFL Sunday Ticket. I said if that’s all he could come up, that was pretty sad. I said I didn’t even care about football. They tried to offer a few incentives, none of which were that great. The satellite is still not working the way it should. They are supposed to give us a new receiver in 2-5 business days.

Since I was on the phone all morning, by the time I got off the phone with DirecTV it was lunch time. I was trying to decide what to make us for lunch. I asked Evan what he wanted for lunch and he said Chick-Fil-A. I called Morry to see if he wanted to go out to lunch with us. Of course he said yes. On the way to Morry’s work Evan said he wanted to go inside the building. Evan was very happy pressing the elevator buttons and the door bell of the office door.

When we parked at Chick-Fil-A there were a few policemen with motorcycles parked near us. On the way inside Evan said he wanted to talk to the policemen. Morry took him over there and when Morry and Evan came inside I saw Evan had a big police badge sticker. He was very proud of it.

Evan did very well at Chick-Fil-A. He ate all of his nuggets and fruit. Morry took Evan to play on the indoor playground while I fed Noah.

When we came home I gave Evan a haircut. His hair was getting pretty wild and puffy looking. I took Evan and Noah on the backyard patio. It was cold outside, but we weren’t out there too long. When we came in I gave Evan one pixie stick for being good during the haircut. He had never had a pixie stick before. Of course, he loved it. He wanted to pour it in his mouth by himself. I let him, but he got the blue sugar powder all over his shirt. Oh well, there was hair all over the shirt any way. I put bibs on him during the haircut – 2 bibs, one covering his chest and one covering his back, but there were still a few pieces of hair that got past the bibs.

Evan and Noah took good naps.

For dinner I made a chicken and rice soup and we had some dinner rolls with it.

The boys are in bed now and it seems quiet up there.

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