Thursday, January 1, 2009

Evan the Bad

Hello everyone, this is Morry. Happy New Year to everyone.

Last night, Rachel and I got home around 1am from our dinner and a party at Mike and Melissa's. At 5am, Noah got up. I gave him a pacifier and he fell back asleep. At 8am, he got up again. This time I had to change his diaper and feed him, but he did go back to sleep. I laid down but never really fell back asleep.

Evan got up around 9:30am and he was in a good mood. It seemed like it might be a good day. He immediately told Grandmom/Marilyn that he wanted GeoTrax. We told him we'd go out to Kohl's to see if we could find some since we had seen a bunch there prior to Christmas.

We got ready to go and decided we'd go to Which Wich for lunch. Evan said he wanted to go to Kohl's first. We said no. That started The Mood. He immediately threw a fit and refused to smile or act happy until we go to Kohl's. No matter what we did he insisted on being in a bad mood.

Unfortunately, Kohl's was picked over and they didn't have an GeoTrax. Then we went to Walmart to see if they had any. They also were out. Evan actually took the disappointment well considering his mood.

We put the boys down for a nap and of course Evan threw a fit because he didn't want to go upstairs.

After their naps, we decided to order dinner from Natural Planet Grill. It's a new place that opened up near us. Evan insisted on coming with me to pick up the food. On the way, he was in a great mood and asked me to call Grandma/Lynn and Papa/Lenny over the bluetooth in the car. He was well behaved while we waited for the food.

When we got home it was a different story. He spent most of dinner whining. When we said we were going to take him upstairs for a bath, he threw a fit. He cried through much of the bath, alternating between having fun playing and crying. We asked him if he felt sick, if anything hurt. He told us he was fine and nothing hurt. Maybe he's just going through the terrible twos. I hope this stage ends soon.

Both boys are in bed now and quiet. I hope that means they are sleeping.

Until next time...

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