Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hello everyone, this is Morry. Rachel is talking to her parents on the phone so I'm writing the blog tonight.

This morning, the boys got up around 8:30am. Rachel got up with them and let me sleep, but I was already awake. I laid in bed for a bit but then got up.

Matt and Ben came over to watch the football games with the boys and me today. They came over around 11:45am. Evan and Ben immediately started playing with Evan's GeoTrax. They played really well together. Noah was busy crawling around looking at everything. Matt and I first watched the Eagles-Giants game. Matt is a big Eagles fan. The Eagles won the game so Matt was happy.

Meanwhile, Rachel tutored this afternoon. She got a call from a frantic parent yesterday so she went out there today.

At the end of the Eagles game, we put the boys down for a nap. Evan slept well, but Noah didn't really sleep. I guess he wanted to watch the Steelers game with me. I put him on my lap when the game began and he was very content for awhile. Then he just wanted to crawl around and play with all the toys. He was really smiley today.

After the Steelers game (which the Steelers won handily), Rachel picked up Little Caesars for us. Ben and Matt stayed for dinner.

We gave the boys a bath after dinner and put them down to bed. They both seem to be quiet which is a good thing.

Until next time...

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