Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So, this morning it was in the 60s when I dropped of Evan, and when I went to pick him up from school a few hours later it was already in the 40s. Now, at almost 9pm it’s 32 degrees outside.

Yenis told me when she brought Kevin in the classroom this morning Evan ran up to them and said he was a firefighter. He had a hat on and was pretending to be a firefighter. When I picked Evan up he was a doctor. He came up to me with a thermometer and wanted to check my ear.

While Evan was at school Noah took a short morning nap and cleaned upstairs. We ate lunch and that was pretty much the end of the morning. Then, it was time to pick up Evan.

Blanca came at 3:00. I was supposed to tutor until 7:30 tonight, but ended up just going until 6:30. One of my students didn’t have homework and therefore, didn’t need my help. That was good since I was worried about driving home in bad weather. I wanted to get home before it got below freezing.

For dinner we had pasta and green beans. Evan didn’t eat much for dinner. All he ate was 2 cups of applesauce. Noah ate well though. He had cereal mixed with applesauce, baby food veggies, regular veggies, hot dog, a little bit of pasta, and cheese.

They are saying we may get some sleet and ice tonight. We’ll see what happens.

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