Saturday, January 17, 2009

Guitar Hero

Hello everyone, this is Morry. Rachel asked me to write the blog today.

This morning, Evan got up around 8:15am. A short while later, Noah got up. Rachel got up with the boys and let me sleep a bit more. I didn't sleep too much, but just laying in bed was nice. I heard Rachel having a battle with Evan. Apparently, he didn't want to get dressed, so Rachel just left him in the room.

When I got downstairs, we talked about going to the Wildflower Center. However, Noah was starting to be cranky, so we put him down for a morning nap. He went to sleep right away.

We let Noah sleep for an hour and then we got him up for lunch. During lunch Rachel told me that she was going to make chocolate chip cookies after lunch. She spelled out the word cookies so that Evan didn't know what was going on. I needed to run to HEB to pick up soda. Rachel's friends Melissa and Robbie and their husbands were coming over to dinner, so that's the reason for needing the soda and the cookies.

Evan wanted to come with me to HEB so we left the house in my car. Whenever he comes in my car, he wants to call someone since we can call over the speakers and he can hear everything. The phone connects via bluetooth. He said he wanted to call Mommy. So we called her and at the end of the call, she said "I need to go make the cookies." I hung up and then Evan said "What did Mommy say? Did she say cookies? I want a cookie." He picks up on the slightest thing. It made me laugh.

At HEB, Evan insisted on not getting in the cart. At the end of the trip, he told me he wanted to run along side me. I told him that was ok.

When we walked in the door, the first thing Evan said was that he wanted a cookie.

We put the boys down for naps and Rachel napped too. I folded the clothes and tried to clean up a bit.

At 5pm, Melissa called and said they were coming down. We ordered food from the Salt Lick. When they got here, Lee, Mike and I drove down to pick the food up.

The food was very good. Noah had a ton of bread. All Evan had was bread.

After dessert, we put the boys down for bed. Mike brought Guitar Hero over for the Wii. It was a great idea. Rachel and I had never played it, but it was a lot of fun. Everyone took turns either singing or playing the "guitar". It's tough.

When everyone left, Evan was still up. He had started crying for me. I got up there and he was coming up with all kinds of stall tactics. He needed his diaper changed. He wanted to look for other pacifiers. He needed his nose sucked. He didn't like the music in the CD player. He wanted a specific song to be played. He needed me to lay down with him. I have to hand it to him, he seemed to have an endless supply of needs.

He seems to be quiet now, as does Noah. Let's hope it stays that way.

Until next time...

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