Monday, January 26, 2009

Foggy Day

I was planning on taking the boys to the lake today, but it was foggy and drizzly this morning. We went over to Lamb’s to get my windshield wipers fixed. The other day one of the wiper blades just fell off. Since it was rainy today I had to go over there and get it fixed. After Lamb’s we went to the bank. As soon as we walked in Evan started asking for a lollipop. The teller asked him what color he wanted and he said red. By the time I finished depositing my checks and cash Evan had finished his lollipop.

When we got home Noah was really tired so I put him down for a nap. He slept for about an hour while Evan watched Toy Story. For lunch I made Evan sports mac and cheese. While I was getting it ready he ate a ton of pistachio nuts. He kept asking for more. Noah ate well at lunch, but just ate some mac and cheese. That was about it.

I put them down for naps, but didn’t get to take a nap myself since it seemed like one of them was always up. Once Evan fell asleep Noah started making noise. I had to go in his room, change him, and feed him to get Noah back to sleep.

Pretty soon after Morry got home the boys woke up from the naps. We took them outside and I gave them haircuts.

Then, we had dinner. I made crock pot Coke Ham. It was pretty good. We had some dinner rolls with it. Usually Evan eats ham, but for some reason he wouldn’t eat it tonight. He ended up just eating some Lunchables.

Noah went from a crawling position to sitting today all on his own. When I got him from his nap I watched him sit all by himself.

Evan and Noah are in bed now. It seems quiet.

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