Thursday, October 30, 2008


I drove Evan to school today and then Noah and I went to HEB to do a little grocery shopping. We needed a few things including a little more Halloween candy.

After HEB I did some cleaning around the house and laundry. I usually try to do laundry and light cleaning (vacuum, mop, straighten up) on Thursdays.

I walked to Evan’s school to pick him up. When I got there all the kids were sitting on the floor and they were doing “Going on a Bear Hunt”. Evan was following along and sitting nicely on the floor with the other kids until he saw me. Evan was excited to see Noah and me. We walked home and I put the boys down for a nap.

While they were napping I talked to Leah on the phone. I called to thank her for some gifts she sent us. One was a truck book that Evan has asked us to read over and over. We only got it a few days ago, but he already knows the book so well that we can leave out words and he’ll fill them in.

For dinner we had already cooked rotisserie chicken and matzoh ball soup. After dinner I made rice crispy treats. While they were cooling Evan enjoyed the little marshmallows. We let him have a couple. I think that was his first time eating a marshmallow. Evan said it was “kinda squishy”.


Anonymous said...

Going on a Bear Hunt used to be one of my favorites. Maybe Evan will let me do it with him when he comes here. And maybe I'll even give him some squishy marshmallows when we're through!

Rachel said...

Will you give me some marshmallows too? :)