Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Sunday

Noah slept until 10am this morning. He’s been sleeping really well lately. He was getting up about once or twice a night and we’d have to go in and give him his pacifier. Now he usually makes it through the night without needed us. Let’s hope this continues.

We were trying to decide what to do this morning, but since we didn’t have much time (the Steelers game was on at 12) we decided to take a walk in the neighborhood. We walked to the elementary school and Evan played on the playground for a little while.

I made scrambled eggs for brunch. Morry ate his in front of the TV. Evan and I ate outside on the upstairs patio. Evan loves to eat outside.

I took Evan to TJ Maxx. He needed a few more long sleeved shirts. The ones we had were a little too big on him. I wanted to just go somewhere cheap and quick.

After naps we went to HEB. We put both Evan and Noah in the cart. Evan always likes to eat something while we are there so I gave him a plum. He ate about half of it and left it in front of the cart. We were in the meat section looking at something and when I looked back at the boys Noah was eating the plum! He had grabbed it and was sucking on it.

So, we think Noah is getting another tooth. He’s been cranky today and we feel a little bump on the top of his mouth.

So, as I’m writing this I hear Morry cracking up. He says I have to come see this video on the internet. Here it is… pretty funny….


Anonymous said...

That video is hilarious!! Morry, how do you find these gems? I can't stop laughing as I think about the domino effect ( I feel like VP Quayle--does domino have an "e" at the end?)

With the Steeler victory it was a good day in front of the TV.


Anonymous said...

You want comments? The pictures from the pumpkin patch show a very happy, beautiful family. We printed several of them, and we've been showing them off to anyone we can corner!