Thursday, October 2, 2008

The best little baby ever!

I had a busy morning this morning and Noah was great. After I dropped Evan off at school I had to rush over to my 9:15am doctor’s appointment. I need a refill on my thyroid medicine and they had to check my thyroid level.

Then, I filled up the car with gas and headed over to Kohls. I really need some nice colder weather clothes especially for Jake’s bar mitzvah the end of this month in Chicago. I’m not much of a shopper and I remembered why. I get so frustrated shopping for clothes and shoes for me. Nothing ever fits. I’m in between Juniors, but Ladies sizes are usually too big. The Juniors clothes tend to be too tight and show too much skin. Man, am I sounding old now. I can never find small enough sizes in the misses/ladies section. For casual clothes I can always find things at Gap and Old Navy but for dressy stuff I have the hardest time. I was able to find a few things after being there a really long time. Noah was great at Kohls. I had him in the stroller the whole time and he was mostly awake just looking around at everything.

This morning before I dropped Evan off at school I started doing the laundry. I had his clean sheets on the ottoman and he was playing with them, but then he started jumping on them. I told him not to do that because his shoes were dirty and we didn’t want to get the sheets dirty. He stopped right away and I told him how good he was and that I love him. He then says, “I love…”, and I think he’s going to say either “you” or “Mommy”, but he says “I love my sheets.”

When I picked Evan up at school they said he was being very sweet today and hugging Wendy (the teacher) all day. They gave the kids different types of apples today. Evan’s favorite was the red apple. I asked Evan what he did today and he told me he played hide-and-seek with Natasha (assistant teacher) and that she read them Humpty Dumpty.

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