Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween excitement

This is Morry again. I didn't write last week because we were in Chicago and now I'm filling in on a big day - Halloween.

I worked from home today because there was a Halloween parade at Evan's school today. I wanted to see him march. When Rachel brought him downstairs after he woke up, he seemed to already have a ton of energy. He was all dressed in his Buzz Lightyear costume. He seemed excited, however, to see that I was home and insisted on sitting on my lap while I show him trailers from Wall-E on my work computer.

Before the parade, Rachel took Evan and Noah to a retirement home to show off the kids in their costumes. A mother in the Circle C Mom's group set it up and a bunch of mom's and their kids went over there.

After that, I met Rachel and the boys at school for the parade. We were a little late so the parade was winding down when we started in there. Then we saw Evan's teacher so we followed her and the MWF kids to their classroom and then went outside with everyone. The teacher and parents were lining the kids up along a fence to take their picture. One of the boys was dressed as Woody and Evan got very excited, so he went over to the boy and faced him - and just stared. We kept trying to get Evan to turn around and move over so pictures could be taken but he didn't want to. He ended up running into the teachers arms and she picked him up. It's nice that he likes his teacher so much.

Next, I took Evan to the vet to pick up Mottel's medicine. For those of you who don't know, Mottel is on Prozac. Real Prozac. So once a month I have to go get medicine for him from the vet. When we went into the office, the women working there were so excited to see Evan all dressed up. The vet office has a fish tank in there. Evan ran over to the tank and very very loudly said "Look! It's a fish tank. Look at all those fish. There are a lot of fish in there!" Everyone thought Evan was just so cute.

Evan was incredibly hyper all day long. He knew today was Halloween and he was going to get candy. Amazingly, he took a nap though. But just before his nap, I told him when he woke up, we'd have dinner and then go trick-or-treating. He screamed "Yeah!". Well, he obviously remembered when he got up because he was running around, talking about candy when he woke up. He saw the bowl of candy that we had gotten ready to put on our front porch while we went out and he wanted some of that candy. He went through the whole bowl. Then he started taking candy out of the bowl and putting it in his Elmo "pumpkin". We told him that he had to go get candy from other houses, not ours.

We ordered pizza for dinner and got Evan his own kid's size black olive pizza. He prefers black olive pizza to just cheese pizza. I'm telling you, this has a larger palette than I do.

We feed Noah before we eat but then give him puffs while we eat. He loves them, although he's not so great, quite yet, at getting all of them in his mouth. When I pulled him out of his high chair, there were puffs all in his lap and in the high chair.

So, finally, we went trick-or-treating. Evan just loved it. We initially started with Sebastian, the little boy who is Evan's age who lives behind us. Sebastian was also dressed as Buzz Lightyear. But Sebastian, does not walk as fast as Evan. Evan didn't want to wait for Sebastian - he was in a rhythm and wanted to hit all the houses. He was asking for candy in between houses and ended up eating some M&Ms. Sebastian didn't make it that long and ended up going home. We had to run home for a little bit because Evan pooped and we had to change him.

After the pit stop, Evan insisted on eating a Tootsie Pop. He held on to it the rest of the way, including after Noah and I went home. When Evan and Rachel finally got back, Evan threw out what was left of the Tootsie Pop and asked for another lollipop. I didn't realize he had done this so I gave him another lollipop. About 2 minutes later, he came up and asked for another lollipop. I asked him what had happened to the one he was eating. He told me he threw it out. I looked in the trash can and there were the last two lollipops. I told him, that you have to finish eating them and can't just throw them out to get a new lollipop.

Just before we took them up to bed, two older boys, maybe around ages 10 or 11. We were outside on the porch and Evan was still in his costume. The first boy said to Evan, "Hey Buzz" and patted Evan on the shoulder. I thought Evan was going to burst with joy. He LOVES hanging out with older kids. He wants to be one of them. And when this kid acknowledged him like that, he was ecstatic. Then the next boy said "Hey Buzz. Come in Star Command." Evan was beaming. He was so happy. He followed the kids away from the house, yelling goodbye to them.

Now, the boys are in bed, and Rachel and I are exhausted. Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a day! But, I can't figure out which kid had the most fun...Evan, Noah, or...Morry?

Sherah said...

So cute!!!