Monday, October 13, 2008

Downtown and the Capitol

So, we were supposed to go to Little Buckaroo Ranch today with the MOMs group. I was getting ready this morning, but hadn’t yet looked out side. I got a call from the president of the group telling me the trip had been canceled due to rain. Sure enough, I looked outside and it was raining. We weren’t supposed to get rain until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Alissa, Ben, and Molly had planned on coming with us but now that it was cancelled we had a hard time trying to figure out what do instead. Both Alissa and I did some searching online. We were trying to find free or cheap things to do with the kids. We decided to go to the IMAX theater for an 11am show. I had a hard time getting out of the house in time. I got both kids dressed and got all the stuff together we would need for the day then had to wipe Lizzy completely off after she came in from the rain. She and Simon (the dog behind us – not the next door dog) had been playing and she was covered with mud. By the time we got to the ticket counter at the museum where the IMAX is it was 11:20. They wouldn’t even let us in since the movie starts right on time. There are no previews.

When we came out of the museum there was a ‘Dillo bus stopped outside. I thought the dillo buses were free and I stepped up onto the bus to ask the driver about the route and how much it cost. The driver said it was 50 cents and it wasn’t really a route we wanted to go. While I was on the bus talking to the driver Evan walked up the steps of the bus, went right to a seat and sat down. He seemed disappointed when I told him weren’t riding the bus.

We decided to walk a few blocks down to the Capitol building. They offer free tours, but each tour is 45 minutes and we thought that might be too long for the kids. So, we just walked around on our own around the Capitol. We brought our lunches and ate in the cafeteria there.

After lunch we walked to the grassy area in front of the Capitol and let the kids play a little while I fed Noah on a bench.

Then, we went to the visitor’s center where they had a few kid friendly exhibits. We stayed there only a few minutes because we needed to get back to the meter which had a 3 hour limit.

When we got home Evan was so tired I put him right to bed, and he stayed in his bed his whole 3 hour nap. Noah took a good, long nap as well.

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