Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It got cold here. The weather man said it got close to freezing here last night. This morning around 9 the temperature was 42 degrees. I still walked Evan to school. It was cold, but at least it was sunny. I bundled the boys in jackets and blankets, and by the time we got to school they didn’t need the blankets anymore.

While Evan was at school I just got stuff done around the house. Noah and I didn’t go anywhere. I fed Noah his usually lunch of cereal. I also gave him some Gerber puffs (little finger food cereal). He’s starting to get better at getting foods to his mouth. He seems to like those little puffs, even though not all of them make it to his mouth.

When I went to pick up Evan at school he was in the corner near the books lying on a pillow and covered with a blanket. He was smiling at me and said, “I tucked myself.” Wendy thought that was funny. He went over to the corner on his own, got the blanket and pillow, and tucked himself in. He must have been pretty tired.

When we got home I tried to put the boys down for a nap. Neither one wanted to sleep. I finally got Noah to sleep around 2:30. When Blanca came at 3 Evan was still up. Through the monitor we heard him say, “I want Blanca.” He must have heard her come in. Evan ended up not napping at all. Noah slept for almost 2 hours.

I got home from tutoring at 7. Morry had made ribs for us. We ate dinner and then put Evan and Noah to bed. Evan scratched his Toy Story CD, so we had to put the Raffi CD on instead. He cried some, but now it sounds like he is asleep. Noah doesn’t seem to mind what he listens to. Right now he has a swing music CD in his player.

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