Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Hard Day with Noah

Noah was tough this morning. He got up on his own, but did not want to get ready for school. I tried to get him excited about following the schedule we put up, but he didn't want to do it. I was going to bring him to school in his pajamas and at the last minute he decided he would let me get him dressed. I had to carry him downstairs while he was kicking and screaming. He wouldn't get in the car. Morry had to put him in his car seat.

When we got to school he would not get out of the car. I started walking toward the building, but he didn't follow me. He just stayed in the car. He was throwing a fit when I tried to get him out. Last week when I had to fight with him I was very sore after and I couldn't do that again. I went inside the school and asked one of the teachers for help getting Noah out of the car.

Every time I tried to open the car door he'd close it again with the button. It kept hitting me and closing on my hip. It hurt even though it's supposed to be child proof and stop when something hits it. His teacher had to pry him out of his car seat and carry him to the class room. I followed them in and then left shortly after that.

I had an appointment for a facial since my skin has been breaking out. Then right after I had the Pilates class.

When I got home I quickly showered and got to Noah's school just in time. His teacher said he had a good day at school.

Then, in the car on the way home he started throwing a fit and wouldn't get buckled. At home, the fits continued while I was trying to eat lunch. I offered to have him sit with me and he could eat too, but he still threw a fit. I made tea for me and he said he wanted tea. I offered him some of mine (I made a pot). That wasn't good enough. He wanted his own. Since I only had a few minutes to eat my lunch before it was time to get Evan, there wasn't time to make more tea. It was downhill from there.

I got Evan and Jack at school and we came back home.

Gabby came at 4pm and I left to tutor.

Morry took Evan and Jack to baseball practice while Noah stayed with Gabby.

Morry made dinner for Evan and Noah at home. I got home around 7:30pm and then we had dinner.

The boys are not going to sleep. They are both still up now.

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