Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Buddy Party

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning was rather uneventful in taking Evan to school.  He slept on the bottom bunk this morning so it was a bit easier to get him up than when he sleeps on the top bunk which he had been doing previously this week.

I had a conference call in the morning.  As the call was winding down, Noah came into my office and asked if I could bring him to school.  When the call ended, Rachel and I drove Noah to school.

Rachel had her pilates class around lunch and then picked Noah up from school.

Noah decided to stay home with me rather than go with Rachel to get Evan.

When Rachel went to tutor, Gabby came over.  Gabby, Evan and Noah went to the end of the cul-de-sac.  Evan was riding his bike and Noah was riding his big wheel.  There was another boy from the neighborhood, Jackson, who was riding his motorized scooter.  Gabby told me at that Evan and Noah did have a collision but both boys were ok.  When I came out and said it was time to go home and let Gabby go, Noah said "Daddy, can you push my bike back home so I don't have to do anything?"  That's a classic Noah quote.

The boys and I went to dinner at Wendy's.  Then I stopped by HEB to pick up my allergy medicine.  And finally I got gas.

Last night we found out from the little league that Evan will be playing on the Rockies again this season.  Several of the boys he played with last year will be on the team.  I think he's really going to enjoy the season.  I got his baseball bag ready for practice (which might happen on Saturday) tonight.  I'll be traveling starting tomorrow so if he has practices, I'll miss it.

The kids are in bed now.

Until next time...

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