Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cranky x 2

Today was a cranky day.

Noah was horrible this morning. I had to wake him up for school. I actually let him sleep in a little bit and then slowly woke him up. He woke up in a bad mood and already complaining about not getting dressed and not going to school. Noah stayed in his pajamas. I had to carry him downstairs and strap him in his car seat. His foot can reach the door open button and he kept hitting it making the door open back up. The door wasn't closing all the way so I couldn't lock it. At first I pretended not to notice and kept trying to close the door, but then I got tired of the game. I decided to just start driving anyway. As I backed the car out of the garage Noah says "Ha Ha. I opened the door." I explained to him how dangerous that is and he closed the door before we got out of the driveway.

I had a very hard time getting out of the car. He was doing the same door game but this time closing it every time I tried to open it. I had to squeeze in to stop the door from closing. I carried him into the school while he was kicking, screaming, pinching. He eventually dressed himself in the classroom and after a while calmed down.

By the time I got home it was 10am.

I went to my Pilates class at noon and then picked up Noah from school. He was good at pick up.

At Evan's school I picked up both Evan and Jack. Jack was coming to our house after school and then they would go to baseball practice together, like last week. I decided to walk since last time Evan threw a fit in the car because Jack got the booster seat and Evan had to ride in his usual car seat.

I thought the walk home would be good for them - get some energy out. Evan was very cranky. He was whining, bossing Jack around, complaining about the heat (it was in the 80s). It was not a fun walk home.

At home Evan and Jack kept fighting about things. Evan was complaining about things Jack did or didn't do. Then Evan was fighting with Noah. Evan went in his room for time out for a while while while Noah and Jack watched Wall-E.

Morry took Evan and Jack to practice.

I had to tutor so Gabby came over to watch Noah for a little bit.

I picked up Popeye's for Morry on the way home. We are going to eat dinner now.

The boys have been put to bed, but they are both still up.

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