Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crying in an Empty Bath Tub

Crying in an Empty Bath Tub - that's what Noah is doing right now. I'll get to that more later.

This morning there was a citywide Marathon Kids event at a stadium near us. The kids at elementary schools can run 26 miles over a course of time and then they complete a final lap together to complete the marathon. Today, was the last lap. It started at 9am. We didn't really want to go, but Evan wanted to go because he knew he would get a medal at the end. When we got there it was really crowded and we didn't have a whole lot of time. Evan had a baseball practice at 11am. We made our way to the front and were able to leave by 10am. We ran the lap with Evan and he seemed to enjoy that.

While we were gone Noah stayed with Michael at home. We gave Noah the option of coming, but he chose not to go.

Evan and Morry went to Evan's baseball practice. They had a scrimmage game today and Evan did well. He stopped quite a few balls while playing pitcher.

Noah was very cranky today. I think he's still not feeling well. Evan started coughing when he got home. We made them doctor's appointments for tomorrow.

This afternoon Evan rode his bike in the cul-de-sac and then rode to his school and back home. Morry said Evan needed some help on the hills and he's not quite ready to do the ride to school in the mornings. But, he still did very well.

For dinner we ate at Rudy's. The boys were not well behaved. Noah was especially whiny.

We gave the boys baths. Noah got upset about me washing him and he's still crying in the tub. We let all the water out and he's just in there crying. He doesn't want to get out. Any bets on how long he stays in there? He must be cold.

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