Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Storytime and HEB

Noah and I went to to storytime at the library today. Noah likes sitting on my lap on the carpet. Some kids sit on their parent's lap, but others go right up to were the librarian is reading the book. The craft for today was making bears out of plates. The kids glued on parts of the face as well as cotton balls and then decorated them. They also passed out bird seed for everyone and gave kids more than one bag if they had a sibling at home. Noah was very excited to tell Evan about his bird seed.

After the library Noah and I went to HEB.

We came home and had lunch and then Noah went to Cole's house for a little while.

Noah was so excited to be at Cole's. I've never seen him get out of the car so quickly. The boys had fun together.

Noah and I picked up Evan from school and then came home.

Morry played wii with the boys before dinner. For dinner I had fish and Morry had Buffalo wings.

We just got the boys ready for bed and Morry is reading to them now.

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