Friday, February 10, 2012

2 Readers!

This morning the boys were good. It was a little bit drizzly out, but we still took the trail to school anyway. I knew traffic would be bad in front of the school.

Before dropping off Noah we stopped at the post office.

After picking up Noah from school we went to the library to pick out movies to watch this weekend. He chose a Shirley Temple movie. There have been ads on TV for Shirley Temple box sets and that's how they know about her. We also got a few other kid's movies.

Then, we went to Smoothie Factory to pick up smoothies for Evan's teachers. It's teacher appreciation week and I signed up to bring after school snacks for Mr. V and the teacher's aid Ms. C. I also got smoothies for Evan and Noah there.

At pickup for Evan's school Noah gave Mr. V his gifts.

When we got home the boys played with their bike/scooter in the cul-de-sac for a little bit.

At dinner I let the boys watch the Shirley Temple movie. At the beginning there was an option to watch it in black and white or color. The boys insisted on watching it in black and white. They were excited to see a movie that wasn't in color. They watched a little bit of it, but got distracted at times.

I got the boys ready for bed and then we read. Evan read a book and Noah read a book. With a little bit of help Noah read the Who Am I book from last night. He was very proud of himself. We made a big deal out of it.

Now, the boys are in bed.

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