Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chuck E Cheese's and the Super Bowl

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The boys were good this morning and let us sleep.  They were very quiet in the game room.  Actually what got me up finally is that Noah opened the door into the garage because he was going to put a box in recycling and the alarm was still on.  I turned it off, but it scared him and he was crying.  It was just the warning alarm that let us know we had 30 seconds to turn off the alarm so it wasn't a big deal.  I told him he had done a good thing by trying to recycle that box.  He just needs to look to see if the alarm is red or green.

Rachel made blueberry muffins from scratch.  The boys, for whatever reason, didn't like them.

This afternoon, Evan's friend Ben had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's.  He only invited 4 other boys.  Noah was also invited.  The parents had hoped that since it was Super Bowl Sunday it wouldn't be crowded.  Unfortunately the weather was not on their side because it rained.  When we got there, it was hard to just find a parking spot.  It was absolutely crazy inside.  The boys seemed to have fun though.

We came home and had the boys calm down for a bit in the game room.

When the Super Bowl started, I let the boys come down.  We had dinner with the TV on.

Rachel had to tutor tonight.  She left around 7 and returned after 9pm.  She normally tutors this family on Wednesdays but they canceled this week because they were sick.

The boys are in bed after watching the whole Super Bowl with me.  They were both happy that the Patriots lost.  They are well aware that the Patriots are cheaters.

Until next time...

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