Saturday, February 11, 2012

Long, Good Day

Evan was up around 7am this morning and Noah got up about 9am.

Evan had his first tball practice this morning at 11:30am. On our way there we stopped at the Coffee Bean, which just opened up near us. I got a coffee and breakfast taco for me and coffee cake for the boys to share.

It was a good baseball practice. Evan had fun. The coaches seemed nice and excited to be there.

After the practice Evan's friend Jack (also on the team) and Jack's dad played catch a little bit. We had to go home to eat lunch but made plans with them to play after lunch.

We came home and ate lunch and then Jack rang the doorbell. We took the kids in the cul-de-sac for a while. Noah started getting cranky and wanted to go home for a nap. I took him back home and Evan stayed out with Jack and his dad for another 15 minutes or so.

At 5:30 we met Melissa for dinner at Chez Zee. The boys were a little cranky at first, but then they were good. They ate their pasta and then played with a Connect 4 game they had in the restaurant.

After dinner I took the boys to Dick's Sporting Goods to get baseball stuff for Evan. We got a new batting helmet, batting gloves, purple socks for his uniform, but we couldn't find a purple belt. The coaches want the kids to have purple belt, but Dick's said they don't sell one. It might be hard to find. We'll see.

On the way home Evan told me he wanted to set his alarm for midnight and have a party. I said we couldn't do that, but if the boys were good they could both sleep in Evan's room. They seemed excited by that. They are in Evan's room now and so far, so good.

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