Thursday, March 1, 2012

More Noah

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning seemed back to his normal self.  Yesterday he seemed like he was moving more slowly.  But today, he was energetic when he got up and was excited to go to school.  When I dropped him off at the cafeteria, Ben and Jack were there.  Evan didn't even look up to say goodbye.

Noah continued his ways of not wanting to do anything when he got up.  Rachel wanted to go for a walk.  He initially said he would go but then changed his mind.  His energy level is really low.

The concerning part was that when it was time to go to sports class, he didn't want to go.  Throughout all of this, sports class was the one thing Noah never fought.  He loves it.  We made him go thinking when he got there, he might perk up.  At first I sat with him while they were working on hockey.  Then Rachel said with him.  But he refused to participate.  After about 20 minutes, we left.  He seemed extremely lethargic on the way home.

When we got home, Rachel called the doctor and made an appointment for him for about 30 minutes later.  I took Noah to the doctor.  The doctor looked at him and his ears.  He said that Noah didn't have any fluid in his ears and that overall he looked fine.  He then wanted to have some bloodwork done.  They take blood in the office.  Noah sat in my lap when they went to take blood. I didn't warn him that it would hurt.  I didn't want to give him anxiety.  Like me, Noah seemed to have good veins.  They asked me to wrap my arms around Noah.  They stuck the needle in him and he started to whine.  But it turns out that he didn't whine because it hurt.  He said my arm was too close to his neck.  He looked over and he saw this thing coming out of his arm.  He calmly asked what it was.  They pointed to the vial and said it was his blood.  He seemed very curious, not at all concerned that something was in him.  The finished up and put the cotton swab on him and put the tape around it.  He asked why they were doing that.  They said they didn't want him to bleed since he had a cut.  He said he didn't have a cut.  It was hysterical.  They couldn't believe how tough he was.

The bloodwork came back negative.  The only thing that was even slightly off was his platelet count was a little high which was standard if he was getting over from being sick.  They are checking his thyroid as well but those results won't come back until tomorrow.  At this point they just think he's getting over being sick and that his energy hasn't come back.

We stopped and picked up Slurpees on the way home.

When we got home, Rachel told Noah he needed to be quiet for his nap.  He really fought with Rachel.  Eventually she got him in his room.

Rachel tutored tonight and I got dinner together for the boys.

When she got home, we put the boys to bed and then made dinner for ourselves.

Until next time...

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