Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Parent's Night Out

This morning Noah threw a little bit of a fit about going to school. Morry got him dressed and in the car. After that he was ok.

I was trying to think of something to do with Evan today. We decided to go to an indoor mini golf place. We were getting ready to leave and the doorbell rang. It was Jack and he asked Evan to ride bikes with him in the cul-de-sac. Evan decided he'd rather do that, so I met Jack, his sister, and their babysitter in the street. They all played for a while and then Jack came over to our house for about an hour. It worked out well.

While Evan ate lunch I went to get Noah from school. Noah had a good day.

Tonight, we did the Parent's Night Out at the Little Gym. While the kids were there, Morry and I ate dinner at Gumbo's, had dessert at Mozart's, and then got a few things at Target.

The boys had fun. We just got them ready for bed, but they are pretty awake right now.

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