Thursday, October 14, 2010

Public Speaking

This morning I dropped Evan and Noah off at school and they didn’t fight me at all. I came home for a few minutes and then went to the Mom’s Club meeting. I was the guest speaker. They asked me to talk about breast cancer. It went well. I talked about my experience and also general breast cancer awareness. I passed out the packets that Susan G Komen Austin gave me. I enjoyed doing that and hope it was helpful to the other moms.

When I picked up the boys, both were in good moods. Noah’s class made cookies and Noah had a cookie to bring home. It was a sugar cookie with icing and candy corn on top. I asked him to share with Evan since Evan shared his cookie last time. Noah’s teacher also said Noah ate a ton of cantaloupe for lunch. It was pizza day and they had a big container of cantaloupe to go along with the pizza.

I was going to get the boys hair cut at Great Clips, but it was a long wait and we had to be home at a certain time because the house was getting appraised.

So, I gave the boys haircuts myself upstairs this afternoon.

Blanca came at 4:00 and Gabby came at 5:30.

I tutored and then met Morry at cooking class.

Cooking class was just ok today. I’m hoping it’s better next time. I liked what they made (applesauce and a pear/jicama salad), but they spent a lot of time talking about how to read the food label chart and Morry and I already know how to read it.

When we got home the boys were ready for bed, but not in bed yet.

We put the boys to bed and now we are going to eat our dinner.

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