Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Parties at School

Today Evan and Noah had Halloween parties at school. We went to Noah’s room first. Noah was very clingy and didn’t eat very much. We knew we couldn’t leave his room and not take him with us to Evan’s room. Once we went to Evan’s room Noah was fine.

Evan’s class ate their lunch outside and then they played on the playground. After that we all came inside and they had various activities. They made Halloween bags, necklaces, and cookies. Then they trick-or-treated. The kids took turns standing at the door and passing treats out to the other kids. Evan enjoyed being the big brother and taking care of Noah.

Morry worked from home the rest of the afternoon.

Noah resisted napping, but eventually fell asleep at his door by the gate.

I tutored and then met Morry and the boys at cooking class. Evan and Noah had to come with us tonight because our babysitters were not available.

The boys were pretty good at the class. They (mostly Noah) were loud at times. We put down a picnic blanket and they ate their dinner and played legos.

We just got home and put the boys to bed.

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