Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lizard in the house

After dropping Evan and Noah off at school I came home and did some stuff around the house. Then I relaxed a little.

After picking up the boys at school we went to HEB. I let Noah walk around the store this time with Evan. They both pretty wild.

When we got home I was unloading the groceries from the car and Lizzy was in the garage with us. All of the sudden Lizzy spotted a lizard. It wasn’t one of those little geckos or chameleons. It was a pretty thick and long lizard. Lizzy got the lizard in her mouth but dropped it when I yelled at her. She chased it around the garage and into the house. I tried to catch it in the kitchen but it went behind the refrigerator. It has been in the same spot since then.

Noah took a nap.

Blanca came at 3:45 and I tutored.

When I got home we made dinner. Morry had steak and I had fish along with baked potatoes.

We just gave the boys baths and put them to bed.

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