Sunday, October 24, 2010

Evan and Rachel Bike Ride

This morning Papa went to Hillel and Morry took Grandma there a little bit later to meet him for brunch.

During the Steelers game Evan and I went for a bike ride. First we went to the park at the school. There’s a little pond there and we watched people fish. Evan ate his lunch on the pier. Then, we rode over to the ice cream shop. Evan got birthday cake ice cream with sprinkles.

A little after we got home Grandma and Papa got back to the house.

Evan was swinging outside and all of the sudden the swing broke. One side came out of the top part where the swing chain connects to the bar. We were worried Evan was hurt, but I think it mostly just scared him. Now, we need to contact the company that makes the swing set. Obviously, that shouldn’t happen.

Grandma and Papa left to drive back to Dallas.

Later in the afternoon we went over to Sam’s Club and then picked up dinner at Little Caesars on the way home. Both boys ate very well.

We just got Evan and Noah ready for bed. Morry is reading a book to them now.

Here are some pictures from yesterday along with 2 videos.

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