Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Clean Teeth

This morning I ran about 2 miles pushing the boys in the stroller.

I took the boys with me to my 11am dentist appointment. I filled a backpack with toys and snacks. They did well during my appointment.

After the dentist we stopped by Susan G. Komen to pick up some material for tomorrow. I’m speaking to the Mom’s club about breast cancer.

After that we went to Walmart and got a bunch of stuff for the party. It was getting late, and the boys hadn’t had lunch. They saw the McDonalds inside the Walmart and started asking for Happy Meals. I bought them each one and they ate it on the way home.

I tried putting Noah down for a nap, but he didn’t sleep.

Gabby came at 4pm. I tutored and got home around 8:15pm.

When I got home Morry had already put the boys to bed. Evan was asleep, but Noah was still up.

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