Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another Bike Ride

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The boys got up early this morning but they were able to play with Zayde. Evan got breakfast for he and Noah. And then Zayde got a bowl of cereal for Noah a bit later.

When I came downstairs, the boys went outside and played in the backyard for a bit. It was going really well for a while and then the boys started to fight. After a few warnings, I made them come in. Evan, while angry with me, still listened to me. Noah stayed outside and I had to go grab him. He threw a fit for a long time, some of which was spent in his room.

I made pancakes for everyone for brunch.

Zayde, Noah and I sat down to watch the Steelers game. Rachel and Evan went on the tandem bike. They rode for 10 miles. They rode to an area called the Veloway which is a 3 mile paved bike loop. On the way back they stopped and got Evan ice cream.

After the game, the boys went outside some more. Noah came in and Evan was still playing outside. All of a sudden he came in crying. He said he got sand in his eye and his tongue hurt. Rachel and I tried several things, unsuccessfully, to get him to stop crying. We even put him in the shower to try to rinse out his eye. Eventually, while sitting on my lap and putting in Return of the Jedi, he calmed down.

I ran out to Texadelphia and picked up dinner. When I got home the boys were in a good mood.

We just put them to bed. They are still awake.

Until next time...

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