Monday, October 11, 2010

$450 Vet Bill

This morning Morry told me the vet was able to get Mottel in today. We have wanted to take him in. He’s been losing hair on his back and Morry thought Mottel seemed to have lost weight. I had a few minutes to get the boys ready to go as well as get Mottel in the carrier. Both were not easy tasks. It took me quite a few tries to get Mottel in his carrier bag.

Morry met us at the vet. First the dermatologist met with us. Then, they took Mottel to have a blood test and see the internist. The dermatologist did lots of tests and ruled out one kind of ringworm and some other kind of parasite. We have to wait two weeks for the results of the other tests. If those don’t show anything she may want to biopsy the area. It could just be caused from his steroids or thyroid. We’ll see what the internist says.

After the vet we came home for a little bit. Evan was being very bad. He hit Noah. I put him in timeout in the dining room and because I wasn’t paying attention to him he put dents in the table with his toy. At that point I put him in his room for a little bit.

I had a conference call at 12:30 so I made the boys lunch ahead of time. Then I printed out Halloween coloring sheets to also keep them occupied.

At 12:30 I had a phone interview with Kristi Funk, MD, a nationally known, board-certified, breast cancer surgeon and founder of the Pink Lotus Breast Center. She is the doctor of some celebrities, including Sheryl Crow. The interview was set up by a public relations company I work with through my blog. They normally send me products to review, but this time asked if I wanted to do an interview.

It was a one-on-one interview. I asked Dr. Funk some questions specifically for my situation and some other general breast cancer questions as well. She had some good suggestions that I want to bring up to my oncologist next time I meet with her.

The boys were pretty good during the interview. They did not eat lunch, but they did color their Halloween sheets.

After the interview we went over the golf course, where the party will be. I met with the event coordinator and went over some last minute details.

When we got back I tried to put Noah down for a nap, but he wouldn’t sleep.

Gabby came at 3:45. I tutored one student, but sat in traffic for over an hour on my way home. There must have been an accident. I turned before I could see what was causing the problem.

We ate dinner and then put the boys to bed.

They are in bed now, but still playing around.

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