Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wow, it’s cold!

So, here it is, our one cold week of the year. Typically we get about one cold week out of the year and the rest of the winter is pretty nice. Today it didn’t even get out of the 30s. Evan brought his heavy coat and mittens to school today.

For some reason Evan didn’t want to go to school this morning. When I was getting him dressed he told me he didn’t want to go and then at school he didn’t want to get out of the car. We talked about all the fun stuff he does at school and his friends there, but he kept saying he did not want to go. I told him I would stay and play with him for a little bit and that seemed to make him happier. I maybe stayed for about 15 minutes and he showed me the toys in his classroom. I tried to leave a couple of time and he wanted me to play more. Wendy got him to sit down and start painting. He seemed happy so I used that time to slip out the door. Evan seemed fine and happy when I picked him up.

I put Evan and Noah down for a nap around 2:00. Noah slept, but Evan did not. Blanca came at 3:00 and when Evan heard Blanca came in he asked for her through the monitor. When I left to tutor Blanca and Evan where playing upstairs. I wasn’t thinking and when I left I set the house alarm by accident. On my way to tutoring I got a call from the alarm company saying the house alarm went off. They asked if everything was ok. At that moment I realized what I must have done. Luckily Blanca knows the alarm code since she takes care of our house and pets when we are gone. I called her to make sure everything was ok and to apologize.

I came home around 8:00 and put Evan and Noah to bed. Evan threw a fit again about going to bed. He’s asleep now, but I’m sure he’s at his gate. We’ll have to put him back in bed when we go upstairs.

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