Monday, December 15, 2008

75th post

Hello everyone, this is Morry. As I clicked to create a new post, I realized this is the 75th post. I'm suprised that we (mostly Rachel) have been doing this for so long.

This morning, I woke and then went to work at my normal time. Traffic has been lighter the last week or so as UT finished classes on the 2nd of December. Next week will be particularly light as the Austin school district has off as well.

Rachel and Noah, however, were awakened by the dog behind us. I know this seems like a broken record but it keeps happening. It's unbelievable that as soon as we got one dog to stop another one starts. Rachel did call and leave a message with the owner of the dog.

Rachel need to run a couple errands this morning. First she went to Wal-mart. They completely redid the Wal-mart near us and added a grocery store to it. So Rachel went there. The shopping carts were not big enough to hold both boys in the front part, so she bribed Evan to sit in the big part of the cart by giving him M&Ms. By the end of the trip through Wal-mart, he had chocolate all over his face. Also his nose has been running so the chocolate was a bit mixed with snot.

Next they went to Kohl's. When Rachel asked Evan if he had chocolate all over his face, he said no, he had boogers. She cleaned him up and they returned one of the things we bought this weekend.

The boys took decent naps and both boys were sleeping when I got home around 5:15 or 5:20. I made tacos and mexican rice. I fry the dried rice and mix it with chili powder, salt, garlic power and paprika. Then I steam the rice. It's pretty good.

We gave the boys baths tonight. Noah seems to be sleeping now but Evan is still up. He's been giving us a hard time going to bed recently. It may have started when we stayed in the same room as him in Dallas. I think he got used to us being around. Now he keeps asking to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed. He's not allowed to do that, so he throws a fit.

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

hi rachel and mowry,

hope all is well. Jonah and i checked out your blog today, and he told me to leave you my recipe for spanish rice. Don't get me wrong, your's sounds great and mine is just about the same.

So here we go:

I add a bit of oil and start by frying the rice first (just like you). boil a tomato in the microwave for about two minutes, and then put it in the blender.

Add bell pepper, onions, garlic, and cilantro to the rice. Also salt and pepper to taste. I don't really use salt (mainly because jonah will salt all his food without tasting it first). Add in the blended tomato and put about a teaspoon or two of knoors pollo de tomate seasoning. When it comes to a boil, add some water for the rice to steam up. That is it. That is how both my grandmas and mom have cooked their rice, and it always comes out great.

So if you dare to try, let me know how it comes out.

jonah wants to say the broncos will meet the stealers in the afc championship.

-erika and jonah

Rachel said...

Thanks for sharing your recipe. I'd love to try it. I might have to leave out a few things as Morry's a picky eater (if you haven't heard).
That's funny about Jonah and salt. I didn't know that about him.