Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lunch with Morry

Noah, Evan, and I met Morry at his office and then went to lunch. Evan was very excited about going to Daddy’s work. When we walked in the lobby he asked, “Where’s Daddy.” I told him we had to go in the elevator and up to Daddy’s office. Morry took us around the office to meet a few people and Evan was very shy.

For lunch we went to Cheddar's. Evan sat in the booth next to me. He made it very hard to eat my lunch. He was bouncing around, touching me, wanting strawberries from my strawberry lemonade. Noah did pretty well in his high chair. He ate some baby food and some of my green beans and grapes we brought from home.

We dropped Morry off at work and went to Barnes and Noble. We needed to buy a book for the book exchange at Evan’s school tomorrow. It had to be a book under $5 that was gender neutral and not holiday themed. It was tough finding a book that meet all those criteria while trying to hold Noah and watch Evan. I saw the “Grover, Monster at the end of the Book” book. It was $4.95, so I got it.

I had a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. Blanca wasn’t able to babysit so Morry worked from home in the afternoon. Evan and Noah napped most of the time I was gone. Noah got up once and Morry had to calm him down and get him back to sleep.

On the way home from the doctor I stopped at HEB to get sugar cookies for Evan’s class tomorrow. They are decorating cookies and I said I’d bring the cookies.

For dinner we had pizza, roasted garlic, and bread.

After dinner Matt came over to help Morry move our entertainment center and TV upstairs.

Evan and Noah are still awake right now. Hopefully, they fall asleep soon.

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