Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lynn’s Birthday

Today we took it easy again. Evan was doing much better and acting more himself.

For lunch we had our leftover Rudy’s bbq from last night.

After lunch Evan made sugar cookies with Grandma. He preferred eating the sprinkles to putting them on the cookies.

For dinner we went to Alborz (Persian food) to celebrate Lynn/Mom/Grandma’s birthday. Aunt Susan and Jimmy Spector (Dad’s cousin) met us at Alborz. We had a nice time, except Evan was a litte cranky. Evan and Noah liked watching the belly dancer. There’s a video game at the front of the restaurant and Morry took Evan over there to look at it. Evan wanted to play, but Morry didn’t have any change. When they got back to the table Evan said he wanted to see Grandma. We thought, “Oh, that’s nice.” But what he really wanted was money. He went up to Lynn/Grandma and asked for a quarter. Morry said the quarter maybe gave Evan 25 seconds of game time. At least he was happy.

Tonight we did Hanukkah again. Evan picked out which candles to put in the menorah.

Here are some pictures from Hanukkah and the toys that Evan and Noah got the last few days.

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