Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tutoring, Birthday party, and Football

This morning the boys woke up around 9:00. I tutored from 10-12. This coming week is the last week of school before the holidays. The students have finals and tests this week and some needed extra help.

When I got home we make lunch. Morry made fried matzoh and I had an egg salad sandwich. Evan ate some leftover pasta and Noah ate his usual cereal. Noah got real cranky and fell asleep in his high chair. We moved him to his crib after lunch.

Allen, a kid in Evan’s class, had his birthday party today. It started at 3:00. Usually Evan naps around 2-4. We were trying to decide whether to put him down for an early nap or just skip nap altogether. By the time we finished lunch it was 1:30. I would have had to wake him up at 3:00. Sometimes when you wake Evan up from a nap he’s so cranky it’s almost better if he didn’t fall asleep in the first place. We decided to skip Evan’s nap.

Evan had a good time at Allen’s party. The weather was very nice and most of the party was outside. Evan played in the sand box. He played soccer and football and played on the playscape. When it was time for cake all the kids, including Evan, sat very nicely at the kid’s table. Evan chose the white cake over chocolate. He ate his whole piece and had some of my icing I left on my plate.

We came home and Morry and Noah were watching the Steelers game upstairs. Evan and I played outside in the backyard for a while Morry watched football.

For dinner we made grilled chicken and couscous. Evan ate the couscous and a ton of applesauce, but not much else.

Evan and Noah are in bed now. It sounds like Noah is asleep, but Evan is still up.

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